Mar. 16, 2025 Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
DPRK Premier Inspects Various Sectors of National Economy

Politics 2025.2.9.

Pak Thae Song, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and premier of the DPRK Cabinet, inspected various sectors of the national economy.

Going round various places of the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex, a grand base of the metallurgical industry of the country, the premier called upon the officials, technicians and workers to bring about fresh innovations in the production of iron and steel, bearing deep in mind the importance of the duty of the complex in successfully carrying out the five-year plan for national economic development.

He said that the complex should push forward the modernization project as planned for expanding the production capacity including the installation of oxygen converter set forth in the Party resolution and concentrate efforts on increasing iron and steel production by regarding the management of talents and equipment and technical control as the basic link.

At the Chollima Steel Complex, he underlined the need to arouse the workers to the drive for increased production, true to the intention of the Party that the reserves for increased production and the source of miracles are available only when the spiritual strength of the masses are given full play. He also stressed the need to strengthen inter-shift cooperation, make all processes dovetailed with each other, operate the furnace as required by standard operating regulations and shorten the melting time per charge to increase the production of molten iron.

He learned in detail about the production of the Posan Iron Works and stressed the need to give priority to supplying raw materials and fuel and decisively raise the operating rate of equipment so as to fully produce and supply the Samhwa iron needed for attaining this year’s goal of iron and steel production.

He called on the Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Complex to produce more underground tramcars and electric locomotives with improved traction by making effective use of the existing capacity and actively introducing advanced technology.

The field consultative meetings discussed the issue of improving efficiency by rationally distributing production lines at the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex, the issue of improving the quality of fireproof materials at relevant units to reduce the cost of iron production and the issue of preferentially supplying materials for the production of locomotives and rolling stocks and took necessary measures.

Rodong Sinmun