Jul. 3,Juche 113 (2024) Wednesday  
Rodong Sinmun
Ideological Work for Mass Movement Intensified in DPRK

Culture 2023.1.9.

True to the idea and spirit of the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, trade union officials in major economic sectors of the DPRK concentrate their ideological work on enhancing the loyalty and patriotic enthusiasm of the trade union members through a mass innovation movement.

The Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea set it as an important goal of this year’s work to make the flames of the socialist patriotic movement and revolutionary mass movement, a powerful driving force for prosperity and development of the state, be kindled in 2023 and is conducting the organizational and political work for its realization.

Trade union organizations in the field of metal industry are directing efforts to cultivating the revolutionary and patriotic spirit of the working people and renovating the overall atmosphere.

Those in the fields of electric power and coal industry are intensifying the emulation campaign for successfully carrying out the important and huge tasks planned for this year through fresh information and motivation activities.

The enthusiasm for attaining the major goals of the development of the national economy through a dynamic movement for overtaking, learning from and swapping experience with others is growing higher among trade union members in the sectors of light industry, chemistry, construction and building materials, mining, forestry and rail transport.

Rodong Sinmun