Jul. 3,Juche 113 (2024) Wednesday  
Rodong Sinmun
Meeting and Procession of Youth Vanguards Held in DPRK

Culture 2023.1.12.

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A meeting of youth vanguards took place at the Pyongyang City Youth Park Open-Air Theatre in the DPRK on Tuesday to pledge to thoroughly implement the decisions made at the 6th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK).

Present there were Ri Tu Song, department director of the WPK Central Committee, and officials of the youth league and youth and students in the city.

Mun Chol, chairman of the C.C., Socialist Patriotic Youth League, made a report.

The reporter noted that the hearts of all the youth vanguards are burning with high enthusiasm for revolution, struggle and patriotism, true to the idea and spirit of the plenary meeting.

He called upon all the youth league officials and members to fully demonstrate the spirit and mettle of the patriotic youth in the struggle for implementing the decisions of the plenary meeting and vigorously advance toward a great new victory of the Juche revolution and rosy future of the socialist motherland.

Then, oath-taking speeches were made there.

A letter of pledge to the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un was adopted at the meeting.

Before the meeting, there took place a procession of young vanguards.

The youth and students left Kim Il Sung Square and the plaza of the Arch of Triumph and marched along streets, chanting slogans "Let us become young vanguards intensely loyal to the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un!" and "Let us display the stamina of patriotic youth in the worthwhile struggle for socialist construction!".

During the procession, schoolchildren conducted such activities as brass band and singing squads in different places and streets of the city.

Rodong Sinmun