Jul. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Monday  
Rodong Sinmun
More Youths of DPRK Volunteer to Work at Major Economic Fronts

Culture 2023.1.21.

Young people in North and South Phyongan provinces of the DPRK have volunteered to work at major fronts for opening up a new phase of upswing in socialist construction, true to the idea and spirit of the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee.

Dozens of youths in North Phyongan Province decided to work in difficult and labor-consuming fields including farms, mines and county construction brigades.

Young people in South Phyongan Province joined the ranks of volunteers in hearty response to the call of the Party.

Meetings of volunteers took place on the spots respectively on Jan. 19.

Attending the meetings were Kim Tu Il, chief secretary of the South Phyongan Provincial Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Sin Tong Chol, secretary of the North Phyongan Provincial Committee of the WPK, officials of the youth league and youths. The certificate of petition was conferred on the volunteers and congratulatory speeches and oath-taking speeches were made.

Officials, working people and youths in the relevant areas warmly saw off the volunteers, presenting them with bouquets.

Rodong Sinmun