Jul. 3,Juche 113 (2024) Wednesday  
Rodong Sinmun
Active Support to Socialist Countryside

Culture 2023.1.26.

True to the idea and spirit of the 6th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the Kaesong City Committee of the Socialist Patriotic Youth League is raising the effectiveness of the mass movement for support to the socialist countryside.

It has directed effort to making the officials and members of youth league organizations at all levels demonstrate the spirit of the patriotic youth in the struggle for this year, in hearty response to the Party’s call for actively organizing and properly guiding the socialist patriotic movement, the revolutionary mass movement.

It is methodologically waging the mass movement in order to make the young people go out in the campaign for giving labor and material assistance to the countryside.

Its traveling expositors visited the Phyonghwa Farm in Phanmun District to encourage the agricultural workers to increased manure production through their agit-prop activities.

Primary organizations of the youth league under the city forest management bureau held exhibitions of small farm implements in a significant way and sent a large amount of farming materials and hundreds of tons of manure to farms.

Kaephung and Phanmun district youth league committees are inspiring young people to the work for rendering sincere assistance to the countryside, while showing deep care for the work and life of the youth league members who volunteered to work at the youth workteams and subworkteams.

Rodong Sinmun