Jul. 3,Juche 113 (2024) Wednesday  
Rodong Sinmun
Founding Anniversary of Provincial Art Squads Marked in DPRK

Culture 2023.1.27.

Meetings took place in all provinces of the DPRK on Wednesday to mark the 50th founding anniversary of provincial art squads.

Present there were chief secretaries of the provincial party committees, officials concerned and creators and artistes of the provincial art squads.

Conveyed at the meetings was a congratulatory message from the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea to the creators and artistes of the provincial art squads on the 50th founding anniversary.

The message noted that the provincial art squads have displayed their fighting efficiency and might peculiar to them as the main force for frontline-style information and motivation and a powerful means of the precisely-targeted ideological offensive and contributed to the dynamic advance of the Party and the revolutionary cause for the past 50 years since they were founded on January 26, Juche 62 (1973) on the personal initiative and under the guidance of Chairman Kim Jong Il.

It called upon all the creators and artistes to intensify the frontline-style artistic motivation and agit-prop activities for increased production so as to make the flames of miracles, innovations and patriotism more fiercely flare up across the country.

Conveyed at the meetings were the musical instruments presented by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un to the provincial art squads as gifts.

Reports were made there.

The reporters called upon the creators and artistes of the provincial art squads to positively contribute to making the flames of leap forward and innovation flare up across the country by raising the drumbeats of frontline-style agit-prop activities for increased production in conformity with the trend of the times in which all the people are struggling for implementing the decisions of the 8th Congress and the 6th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Party in high spirits.

Rodong Sinmun