Jul. 3,Juche 113 (2024) Wednesday  
Rodong Sinmun
Many Youths Volunteer to Take Part in Capital City Construction

Culture 2023.1.29.

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Upon receiving the deep trust of the Party which entrusted the youth league with the worthwhile and honorable task of building a new street in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, young people across the country have responded to the call of the Party Central Committee at once.

Many young people in North Phyongan, North and South Hwanghae, Jagang and South Hamgyong provinces as well as the members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade are on the way to work at the construction site in the capital city.

At the meetings of volunteers held across the country, appeals were made to be followed by oath-taking speeches.

Speakers said that they would fully display their patriotic enthusiasm in the places called in by the Party just as the preceding generations, who rose up as one and performed miracles and feats in response to the Party’s call.

Officials, youth and students in provinces, cities and counties warmly congratulated the young volunteers who started a dynamic advance with good determination and ideal.

More and more young people are volunteering to build an admirable grand monument to the youth in Pyongyang.

Rodong Sinmun