Sep. 17,Juche 113 (2024) Tuesday  
Rodong Sinmun
Terms of Our Era Instilling Patriotism

Politics 2023.1.31.

Self-existence and Dependence


It is very important to fully display the spirit of national self-existence in vigorously propelling the revolutionary advance for overall development of socialist construction.

National self-existence is our life and the foundation of our revolution.

Once the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un told officials that one must not sell off or give up the spirit of national self-existence although he would die from starvation and coldness.

This meaningful instruction shows the strong will of the peerlessly great man to demonstrate dignity of the country and glory of the nation all over the world holding fast to the our state-first principle.

To maintain national self-respect is the very necessary issue in the present national power race. The decisive factor of the victory or failure in the struggle to glorify dignity and honor of the country and the nation depends on the ideological strength of the whole nation and the spirit of self-existence, not material foundation or natural resources.

Even a small country can proudly compete with big powers in the world if it has national self-respect and independent spirit.

Today our people keenly recall the precious instruction on self-existence and dependence given by the General Secretary who is willing to make our country display its honor as the socialist power prospering with the spirit of self-existence.


Socialist Patriotic Forest Movement


Planting trees on mountains is not a simple work but the patriotic work for everlasting prosperity of the country and happiness of the people.

One November day in Juche 103(2014), the General Secretary visited the Central Tree Nursery under the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection. That day he said that he could not sleep to think the forest of the country shrank in bulk.

Then he learned in detail about deviations and shortcomings in the forest restoration campaign before stressing the need to wage mass movement for the forest restoration. Presently he called for waging the socialist patriotic forest movement.

Socialist patriotic forest movement!

Indeed, it is the patriotic appeal which could be made only by the General Secretary who loves the country most. Like this, a new phrase of our times appeared.


Educational Revolution in New Century


One August day in Juche 103(2014) the respected General Secretary in his historic talk to officials put forward the policy on the educational revolution in the new century.

He said that our Party determined to bring about the new educational revolution for a leap forward in the building of a prosperous country while strengthening the foundation of the Juche revolution. He added that the goal of the educational revolution is to train all the school youth and children into reliable pillars of the country and make our country a socialist educational power in the 21st century by making all the people well versed in science and technology.

The present times is the age of the knowledge-based economy where science and technology play the decisive role in development of society and the age of prioritizing talents where national power and development of economy and culture depend on talents.

The noble intention of the General Secretary to make our country a country of education and power of talents caused the flame of the educational revolution in the new century.

The flame of the educational revolution in the new century!

It is, indeed, the patriotic one lighted by the General Secretary who has high sense of responsibility for and noble mission of the destiny and future of the country and the people, and love for the rising generation.

Rodong Sinmun