Jul. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Monday  
Rodong Sinmun
More People Tour Revolutionary Battle Sites in Mt Paektu Area

Culture 2023.2.11.

Ranks of people for study tour of the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt Paektu increase.

The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un said that the study tour should be organized in winter to make people experience the blizzards of Paektu, fortitude, fighting spirit and revolutionary spirit displayed by the anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners.

True to his noble intention, the Party and working people’s organizations at all levels arouse the strong wind of arming people with the revolutionary spirit through the study tour of the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt Paektu.

According to the data available, from November last year to January this year a lot of officials, working people, youth and students of hundreds of groups toured the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt Paektu and in February the study tour has been further brisk.

The participants in the study tour deeply kept in their minds the revolutionary spirit of Paektu and fighting spirit of revolutionary forerunners through the question-and-answer contest for study of immortal exploits of President Kim Il Sung and revolutionary tradition of our Party.

While making rounds of the battle sites, the officials of several units bore in their minds the instructions of the General Secretary that they should attend "Paektusan University" through the study tour of the revolutionary battle sites in Mt Paektu area in order to thoroughly prepare themselves to be sound and competent political activists who take after President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il.

Officials and teachers in the educational sector and other officials and working people of many units in Ryanggang Province, who participated in the study tour, redoubled their firm faith and will to faithfully uphold the leadership of the General Secretary through contests of singing revolutionary songs in chorus and meetings to hear impressions on the reminiscences of anti-Japanese guerillas.

The active organizational and political works of the Party and working people’s organizations all over the country make officials, Party members, working people, youth and students redouble their enthusiasm for the study tour.

Thus, the ranks of people participating in the study tour of the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt Paektu are increasing day by day.

Rodong Sinmun