Sep. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Technical Innovation Shock Brigade Movement Brisk in DPRK

Economy 2023.3.16.

The April 15 Technical Innovation Shock Brigade Movement is getting brisk in many sectors and units and regions of the DPRK to propel the attainment of the 12 major goals for the national economic development by dint of science and technology.

A national technical innovation contest was launched among the April 15 technical innovation shock brigades at major iron and steel works in the metal industrial sector and among the April 15 technical innovation shock brigades at major thermal power plants in the electric power industrial sector.

Those technical innovation shock brigades at major footwear factories in the light industrial sector set a goal to make progress in the quality improvement work and are purposefully stepping up the development of new technologies.

Provinces of the country have staged the April 15 Technical Innovation Shock Brigade Movement to give a strong impetus to the fulfillment of this year’s plans on indices to be carried out by each sector of the national economy.

The Central Committee of the General Federation of Science and Technology of Korea strives to make the movement play as an engine role in accelerating the attainment of the 12 major goals for the national economic development.

Rodong Sinmun