Oct. 22, 2024 Tuesday  
Rodong Sinmun
For Bright Future of Motherland

Politics 2023.5.29.

Patriotism Must Be Implanted Since Childhood


One July day in Juche 107(2018), the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited the Wonsan Disabled Soldiers' Bag Factory.

Going round the factory that day, he stressed the need to vividly estimate the quality of goods produced by the bag factories in each province, raise demand and put the schoolbags supplied to children and students of the whole country on the same qualitative level.

Listening to his saying, officials were moved at the thought of how warm his mind to provide our children with happy life is.

But their thinking was not deep.

After a while, he noted that it is the intention of our Party to provide our children and students with quality notebooks, schoolbags, school things and school uniforms made in our country so as to make them cherish patriotism of taking their own things dear to them and loving them since their childhood.

The instructions of the General Secretary made officials think deeply.

Patriotism is not nature or character formed of its own accord when one grew into an adult. It is just outlook on the world to be formed since childhood.

So, to improve the quality of bags is not merely a practical issue but an important one for deeply implanting in mind of our children patriotism.

That day, the officials kept deep in mind the noble intention of the General Secretary to firmly guarantee the eternal future of the motherland by implanting deep in mind of rising generations the valuable feelings of loving ours.


Best Textbook


The respected General Secretary in his letter to the participants in the Seventh Congress of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea said as follows:

Bearing in mind that every word and deed of parents is reflected on the minds of their children like in a mirror, women's union members and other women should make every occasion of their life serve as a good textbook and even a word they speak contains the noble mind that cares for the country and the people before their own families.

Those words show his deep meaning that every word and deed of parents, intact, become the best course of education and edification in daily life of children.

The parents are the first educator and the education can be said that it is begun from the knees of mother.

The children, grown up while regarding the model of parents as their mirror of life, inherit the feature of parents intact. The words and deeds of children resemble their parents mostly and every human never forgets the words heard and models seen from parents in their childhood during whole life.

Therefore, the General Secretary said that the country's national power and prospect of the revolution depend on how the parents educate and train the rising generations, stressing that the parents should heighten their role in educating their children.

Let every occasion of life become a textbook!

Indeed, his meaningful instructions serve as guideline to be firmly held fast to in the work for training our posterity to be stalwart successors of the revolution.


Strong Root, Foundation


It happened when the respected General Secretary visited Pyongyang Teacher Training College in January, Juche 107(2018).

Looking round the various places of the college, the General Secretary said that among the teacher training institutions the teacher training colleges' role is more important than the one of universities of education and the success in education for children in kindergartens and primary schools depends on how the teacher training colleges educate their students, and he went on:

In primary-school age the foundation of man's viewpoint on the world and intellectual faculties is established, and in middle-school age the general outline of viewpoint on the world is established and the general elementary knowledge on nature and society is cherished. Therefore, the teachers responsible for education in primary or middle schools should be well trained.

After a while, noting that our Party attaches great importance to teacher training college and he wishes kindergarteners and teachers trained in teacher training college be strong root and foundation for the rising generation, the General Secretary stressed again and again that teachers should be strong root conducive to bearing rich fruit.

His earnest instruction which illuminated the duty and importance of teachers in education for the rising generation impressed officials.

Be Strong Root and Foundation!

Indeed, his meaningful instruction shows his earnest request that all the educators should fulfill their responsibility and duty in education for the rising generation.

Rodong Sinmun