Sep. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Only under This Sky and on This Land

Politics 2023.6.1.

Uncommon Order He Issued on Spot


One January day of Juche 103(2014) the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un inspected the Aquatic Products Refrigerating Facilities newly built by a unit of Korean People’s Army (KPA).

Learning in detail about its construction and the refrigeration of aquatic products, the General Secretary said that the KPA should continue to take the lead in fishing in the future, too.

He said he visited there to discuss the possibility of supplying fishes to the baby homes, orphanages, orphans’ primary and secondary schools and old folks’ homes across the country.

Listening to him, officials were so impressed.

That day the respected General Secretary, noting that the slogan "Let the People’s Army take charge of both national defence and socialist construction!" is very good, called on the People’s Army to carry out the task of supplying fishes to the baby homes, orphanages, orphans’ primary and secondary schools and old folks’ homes all the year round. And he issued on the spot an order of the supreme commander to the KPA to set up a fisheries station which will specialize in supplying fishes to the above-said baby homes, orphanages, schools and old people’s homes.

Uncommon order he issued on the spot!

Indeed, it is an order of love which can be issued only by the respected General Secretary who loves our children most.


Most Important Policy of Our Country


Looking at the cheerful figures of our children who grow up healthily, our people are recollecting the 3rd plenary meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea which was held two years ago.

At the plenary meeting the General Secretary stressed that there is no more important revolutionary work than bringing up children, the future of the country, to be strong and sound and that it is the most important policy and supreme cherished desire of our Party and state to provide more improved conditions of bringing them up even at the cost of huge sum of money.

As he has the noble idea that it has to be the way of advance and development of our revolution to exert more sincerity for children even the condition becomes worse and to take dynamic steps forward towards the future of communism with the might of that love, the General Secretary, that day, warmly said that if the children who are born and grow up on this land eat well and are raised healthily in good environment from their childhood, so much vibrant vitality and vim will overflow our society after 20 or 30 years and the national power of the Republic will grow and gain in strength.

In the way of advance and development of our revolution!

That’s why the respected General Secretary put forward the work to raise the rising generation of the country as the most important policy.

Our Party’s childcare policy, which moved the whole country to tears, implants this truth into our people’s minds and encourages them to vigorous struggle to hasten the brighter future.

Rodong Sinmun