Sep. 29,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Wartime Song Performance of Youth and Students

Culture 2023.7.26.

Youth and students gave a performance of wartime songs "Song of Eternal Victory" at the Pyongyang Municipal Youth Park Open-Air Theatre on July 24 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of victory in the Fatherland Liberation War (1950-1953).

Among the audience were Ri Tu Song, department director of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Mun Chol, chairman of the Central Committee of the Socialist Patriotic Youth League, officials of the youth league, youth and students.

When the national anthem of the DPRK was played, all the participants paid tribute to the national flag of the DPRK.

The performance began with a prelude "July 27, Our Victory Day".

Put on the stage were narration and chorus "Our Supreme Commander", "Song of National Defence", etc.

Hearing the wartime songs, the audience recalled with emotion the indomitable fighting spirit of the youth in the 1950s who performed matchless heroic feats in devotedly defending the country for repulsing the aggressors, remaining loyal to the idea and leadership of President Kim Il Sung.

Songs reflect the immortal feats of the victorious wartime generation that bravely fought unhesitatingly dedicating their youthful lives to defending the only motherland.

Youth and students, full of the faith and will to invariably carrying forward the ever-victorious history of Juche Korea, sang together motivation and chorus "We Will Defend General Kim Jong Un with Our Lives" and finale "July 27 March" and "Victory Generation after Generation".

Rodong Sinmun