Sep. 29,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Exhibition of Construction Equipment and Tools Held in Construction Site of New Street in Sopho Area

Culture 2023.7.26.

An exhibition of construction equipment and tools by trade union organizations of ministries and national institutions took place on July 21.

The exhibition was held for the purpose of giving a further boost to the towering spirit of the members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade by sending equipment and tools to them who are performing feats in the construction of a new street in the Sopho area with the will to display their loyalty to the great trust and expectation of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un who entrusted the important project of forming a characteristic street to youths.

Displayed at the exhibition were thousands of equipment and tools of over 25 kinds presented by dozens of units including the State Commission of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Construction and Building-Materials Industry.

In particular, those shown by the State Commission of Science and Technology drew attention of the visitors and were highly appreciated at the exhibition.

Also those equipment and tools exhibited by various ministries including the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of IT Industry were well received by visitors.

At the end of the exhibition, those were conveyed to the brigade of ministries and national institutions of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade which makes innovation in the construction.

Rodong Sinmun