Sep. 29,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Brisk Remodeling of Taehongdan County Potato Processing Factory

Economy 2023.7.26.

The Taehongdan County Potato Processing Factory, which is associated with the leadership exploits of Chairman Kim Jong Il, is pushing ahead with the project for expanding its production capacity.

Now, the factory accelerates the frame work for expanding the plottage of the behydrated starch noodle shop, taffy shop and storehouse of products in final stage and it promotes the work in three-dimensional way to manufacture equipment necessary for arranging the production process of sweet jelly, grape sugar and yeast.

Officials, working people and technicians of the factory strive to implement the decision of the 6th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Party Central Committee which set forth the main task of the economy to reenergize the production of overall sectors and units and complete the readjustment and reinforcement plan decided by the Party congress in the main this year.

The officials, working people and technicians of the factory, keeping in mind the pride and honor that they are working in the glorious worksite, have risen in the struggle for remodeling their factory with enthusiasm for glorifying the immortal leadership exploits of the Party generation after generation.

Thanks to their fierce struggle, big successes are being made in the project for remodeling the factory.

Rodong Sinmun