Sep. 29,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Great Feats for Glorifying History of War Victory Forever

Politics 2023.7.26.

The history of war victory created in the 1950s by the heroic DPRK under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung is shining more brilliantly along with the new era of the Juche revolution thanks to the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

The General Secretary made public lots of works to provide ideo-theoretical wealth for ensuring the eternal prosperity of the country with victory.

In his work "We Should Celebrate with Splendor July 27 Shining with the Great Comrade Kim Il Sung’s Exploits Performed in Winning Victory in the War as Holiday of Victors" published on July 21, Juche 101 (2012), gave a historical definition that the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War is a victory of President Kim Il Sung’s military idea, Juche-based war methods and superb strategies and tactics and a victory of ardent patriotism and indomitable fighting spirit of the service personnel and civilians of the DPRK who unhesitatingly laid down their lives to defend their country in hearty response to the call of the President.

He also authored "War Veterans Are Our Precious Revolutionary Forerunners Who Created the Indomitable Spirit of Defending the Country" and other works to provide the guidelines for carrying forward the spirit of the victorious wartime generation.

He has always worked heart and soul to glorify forever the President’s leadership exploits for the war victory.

On June 15, 2013, he gave instructions on discovering and systemizing the revolutionary historic relics and data on the activities conducted by the President during the Fatherland Liberation War and intensifying the education through them.

When visiting the Changgol Revolutionary Site, he took measures for the eternal preservation of the revolutionary site and mementoes associated with the President’s history of leadership for the war victory.

At the Ryongpho Revolutionary Site, he stressed that we should hand down generation after generation the President’s undying feats for the war victory, unprecedented in history of any country, and inform the rising generations of the great pains taken by Chairman Kim Jong Il to add eternal brilliance to the President’s leadership feats for the war victory.

Going round various places of the Fatherland Liberation War historic site in June 2015, he referred to the principled matters for properly organizing the preservation and management of the site and the visit to it, raising the level of lecturers and taking good care of their work and life and briskly conducting itinerant lectures.

Saying that he would personally undertake the construction of the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum, he chose a site for the museum and took measures for designing, organizing construction forces and supplying materials. And he examined historic relics and exhibits to be displayed at the museum one by one and made sure that the work for discovering the historic data and mementoes was intensified on the principle of historicism, personally verifying historic data.

He made it a tradition to significantly celebrate July 27, the war victory day, as the holiday of victors by inviting delegates of war veterans to Pyongyang every year.

Rodong Sinmun