Sep. 13,Juche 113 (2024) Friday  
Rodong Sinmun
Lofty Ideal and Brilliant Fruition

Politics 2023.8.10.

Fruition of His Earnest Desire


In August 4 years ago, an official was called by the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

The official thought that there might be an important matter, but he was surprised when he listened to the respected General Secretary.

Unexpectedly, the respected General Secretary gave an instruction to build a modern factory which produces ice cream.

As the respected General Secretary always finds happiness and worth of life on the way of seeking for and realizing new works for people’s happiness and laugh, he has unfolded another plan for people’s welfare to build an ice cream factory although it is not an important one contributing to the national economic development, paying deep attention to it.

That day, he sat together with some officials and earnestly said that he was eager to build a modern ice cream factory in our country without fail.

The Taesongsan Ice Cream Factory was built when our country was not affluent.

It is, indeed, the fruition of the ardent aspiration and earnest desire of the great father of people who carries out the revolution for the purpose of the good of people and attaches a great significance to the work for happiness of people.


Unforgettable Sound of Ground-breaking Blast


All people in the country including those of South Hamgyong Province recollect with deep emotion the day of the ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of the Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm.

In February, Juche 111(2022), the respected General Secretary shoveled the first spadeful of earth in the ground-breaking ceremony.

That day he said that the Central Committee of our Party has always regarded it as a matter of crucial importance to solve the problem of vegetable supply for the people in Hamhung, a major industrial and science city in the country, and in South Hamgyong Province and for several years it has thought about building a modern greenhouse farm here, and promoted it in a planned way.

After calling for exerting ourselves to set up structures for our people as early as possible while imagining in our mind’s eye a merry laughter that will tinkle in each of our people’s houses and looking forward to the bright future of our country which will become more prosperous by that laughter, he personally pressed the detonator.

The sound of blast resounded that day proved that the source of the great power which brings earlier the happiness and prosperity to this land is the burning heart of the fatherly leader who loves the people best in the world.

Rodong Sinmun