Sep. 17,Juche 113 (2024) Tuesday  
Rodong Sinmun
DPRK Premier Inspects Agricultural Sector in South Hwanghae Province

Politics 2023.9.25.

Kim Tok Hun, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and premier of the Cabinet, inspected the agricultural sector in South Hwanghae Province.

Going round various farms in Unryul, Songhwa, Samchon and Jaeryong counties where the immediate harvesting and the sowing of winter wheat and barley seeds are in full swing, the premier said that South Hwanghae Province, the biggest agricultural province of the country, should play a proper role in the struggle for attaining the goal of grain production set forth by the Party.

He stressed the need for the agricultural guidance organs in the province and counties to effectively conduct the operation and direction to finish rice harvesting and grain threshing in the right time and in a qualitative way by mobilizing all manpower and means and thus successfully conclude this year’s farming.

He called for ensuring the full operation of farm machines provided under the loving care of the Party and for sending technicians and skilled workers of the farm machine production units to the rural areas to actively help the maintenance and repair of various kinds of farm machines so as to decisively raise the proportion of mechanization in farm work.

He said that agricultural officials should effectively conduct the political work for implanting the consciousness of being masters in the farmers and pay deep attention to their living conditions and thus further stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses.

Learning about the sowing of winter wheat and barley seeds in counties, he stressed the need to properly select seeds suited to the geographical characteristics and produce a large amount of effective organic fertilizers and thus carry out next year’s farming operation in a far-sighted way. He also called for pushing forward with the improvement of the irrigation system as an important link in increasing the agricultural production.

Meanwhile, the premier inspected the food administration stations in the relevant areas and stressed the need to correctly implement the state measures related to food administration.

Rodong Sinmun