Sep. 17,Juche 113 (2024) Tuesday  
Rodong Sinmun
On Road for Agricultural Development of Country

Politics 2023.9.25.

Until It Bears Fruit


One September day in Juche 106(2017), the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited a farm.

Looking round the farm fields, he praised the ardent patriotism of its officials and agricultural workers for increasing the per-hectare yield 4 times more than before by planting the high-yielding seeds even in unfavorable weather conditions in which drought lasted.

Receiving his praise, the officials were wrapped in great emotion.

The respected General Secretary took measures to newly build the institute of the farm as befitting the latest agricultural one along with another modern greenhouse, while dispatching discharged soldiers from military service and leading the farm work step by step to achieve good results.

That day he suggested letting many Party officials in the capital and local areas visit the farm so that they make an intuitive view of how to work in order to sincerely carry out the Party’s policy of seed revolution to the end, until it bears fruit as intended by the Party Central Committee.

Until It Bears Fruit!

Bearing in deep mind the respected General Secretary’s instruction, the officials hardened their ardent determination to thoroughly implement the Party’s policy for bringing about a radical turn in seed selection.


Reason Why He Visited Farm in Northern End of Country


It was one July day in Juche 107(2018) when the respected General Secretary gave field guidance to the the Junghung Farm in the then Samjiyon County.

After learning about how many farm machines and tractors the workteam had and their operating rate, he said that the level of the comprehensive mechanization of the farm should be raised decisively.

And the farm should realize the comprehensive mechanization with modern and efficient farm machines in line with the requirements of the steadily changing and developing reality, he noted.

After a while, he added that it is the Party’s firm determination to first build the farm into an exemplary unit for modernization of farm machines and, on this basis, turn Samjiyon County and its farms into the standard unit of our country whose comprehensive mechanization is realized perfectly on a high level and a farm of comprehensive mechanization where farmers’ ideal has come true.

Listening to his saying, the officials could not repress their strong emotion.

That day they kept in their mind the noble intention of the respected General Secretary who visited the farm in the northern tip of the country to turn it into a standard unit whose comprehensive mechanization is realized perfectly.

Rodong Sinmun