Sep. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
River Improvement Project Accelerated in DPRK

Economy 2023.9.28.

The river improvement project progresses apace in DPRK amid the devoted efforts for implementing the Workers’ Party of Korea’s policy on land management.

Rason Municipality has carried out a project for improving medium and small rivers, including Rajinchon, in a three dimensional way.

North Hamgyong Province vigorously launched a project for reinforcing the banks of Susongchon. Its officials have directed big efforts to the supply of equipment and materials and the construction guidance for ensuring quality of work.

Hochon, Sinhung and Kowon counties of South Hamgyong Province are carrying on the embankment and river-bed dredging projects.

Similar successes have been made in different cities and counties of North Hwanghae Province including Yonthan, Suan and Sohung counties.

Officials and working people across the country worked out detailed plans for river improvement projects and are steadily striving to carry them out without fail.

Rodong Sinmun