Sep. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Ministries and National Institutions Fully Support Socialist Rural Areas

Economy 2023.9.28.

Ministries and national institutions fully support the socialist rural areas seething with campaign for concluding this year’s farming successfully.

Party organizations implant into officials and government employees the idea that the top-priority task is to solve the food problem by farming well and encourage them to actively support the rural farms.

True to the Party’s intention, the ministries and national institutions support the farm work in a big way.

The officials of the Ministry of IT Industry put efforts into supporting the farms in a substantial way.

The leading officials of the ministry take lead in supporting the rural areas with the attitude of being masters of farm work.

The officials of the ministries and national institutions provide the farms with fuels and tractor parts regarding the farm work as the priority issue.

Those of the Ministry of Public Health, too, sincerely support the rural farms true to the Party’s program of rural rejuvenation in the new era.

They pay deep attention to living condition of agricultural workers while helping the farm work.

Those of the Class Education Guidance Bureau and the State General Bureau of Design enthusiastically assist rural areas with manpower and necessary materials.

Now, their enthusiasm for supporting rural areas greatly encourages the agricultural officials and workers to conclude this year’s farming successfully.

Rodong Sinmun