Sep. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Implanting Revolutionary Spirit of Self-reliance into Their Minds

Politics 2023.11.22.

Production Process He Praised


One May day of Juche 106(2017) the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un inspected the Rangnang Disabled Soldiers’ Essential Plastic Goods Factory.

Looking round various spots of the factory that day, the respected General Secretary expressed great satisfaction at the fact that the factory produced various kinds of goods by making equipment on their own.

When the respected General Secretary approached a machine, an official of the factory informed him proudly that the machine was made by the workers of the factory.

The respected General Secretary inspected the working of the machine awhile and praised them saying that they built the factory buildings and made the machine by themselves.

After a while the respected General Secretary, saying that the Rangnang Disabled Soldiers’ Essential Plastic Goods Factory is one which upholds the banner of self-reliance, gave high appreciation to the factory.

Listening to the respected General Secretary, the officials of the factory were so moved.

Indeed, such proud success would have been unthinkable apart from the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance which the respected General Secretary implanted.

The sound of machines at the factory tells the precious truth that the bright future is hastened when we do everything in our own way relying on our strength, technology and resource.


Dropping in at Sample Room


One May day of Juche 108(2019) the respected General Secretary inspected a factory.

Looking round various places of the factory, the respected General Secretary learnt about the production and work for increasing production capacity. And he dropped in at a sample room which shows the successes gained in domestic production.

The factory had increased the quality and productivity of goods and given lots of profit to the country by introducing valuable technical innovations and recycling the wastes.

Looking at the goods exhibited and inspecting them, the respected General Secretary highly appreciated the patriotic deeds of the working class and officials of the factory.

And he added that every sector and every unit of the national economy should enlist their own economic foundation and potentiality, reserves and possibilities to the maximum and launch a dynamic struggle to increase production and practise economy, so as to create a greater amount of material wealth with domestic resources and technology.

Receiving the instruction of the respected General Secretary, the officials realized once again that the recycling is manifestation of ardent patriotism and, when having such patriotism, they could contribute to the building of the socialist power with high production record.

Rodong Sinmun

◇ Nov. 22, Juche 112 (2023)  Wednesday
To Provide Our People With More Quality Silk Products