Sep. 17,Juche 113 (2024) Tuesday  
Rodong Sinmun
Most Superior Genuine People’s Power

Politics 2023.11.27.


Representative of Independent Rights


Nobody can easily acquire the independent rights although they are desirous of it.

It can be guaranteed successfully only under the socialist system which puts forward and takes care of the people so that they add shine to human’s genuine dignity and worth as masters of the state and society.

The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un earnestly instructed that people’s power organs should ensure that the people exercise their political rights as genuine masters of the state and society and lead their worthwhile life for the society and collective by positively attending the state management and socio-political activities.

Thanks to his leadership, our people’s power, as the representative of people’s independent rights, makes out and adopts the laws, decisions and orders of the state by fully crystallizing the popular masses’ opinions, demand and aspiration while paying primary attention to providing them with independent rights so that they add glory to socio-political integrity and enjoy a priceless political life.

Today the popular character of the power organ has been evidently displayed and the people’s power has been cemented as firm as rock day by day.

And all the people participate in the state management and operation more broadly and positively and thus the blood ties between the people’s power organ and popular masses have been strengthened continuously.

Therefore, our people express their gratitude to the respected General Secretary who further strengthens our revolutionary power into the genuine representative and burn their minds with pledge of loyalty to discharge their duties and missions as masters of the power.


Organizer of Creative Abilities and Activities


It is an important problem in accomplishing the cause of their independence to strengthen the creative abilities of the popular masses and to organize and mobilize them to give full play to their abilities.

Man realizes his demands for independence while waging the creative activities with his creative abilities.

In order for the popular masses to positively participate in the revolutionary struggle, their creative abilities should be developed and given full play while leading their creative activities properly.

As there is leadership of the respected General Secretary who leads step by step our people’s power to make the popular masses develop their creative abilities and organize their creative activities on the scale of the whole society, all the people enjoy a worthwhile life by displaying to the full their voluntary enthusiasm and creativeness for the country’s prosperity.

Our people’s power organs always give priority to the political work in organizing the labor activities and ensure that the working people faithfully work with a degree of voluntary enthusiasm and strengthen their unity and collaboration, thus vigorously pushing ahead with the socialist construction.

As a result, the power organs’ guidance and management level on the overall national economy including state organs and enterprises has been put on a higher stage.

Our people have developed their creative abilities to the full under the social benefits realized by our people’s power and fully displayed their creative wisdom and strength in the struggle for socialist construction.

Our people are further hastening the bright future, giving fullest play to their creative wisdom and strength under the bosom of the respected General Secretary. 


Masters Responsible for People’s Living 


The respected General Secretary, at every opportunity, instructs that the officials of the people’s government organs should fulfill their duty and role as masters responsible for the people’s living.

Devoting oneself to improving people’s material and cultural life as master responsible for their living—this is the duty of the officials of our people’s government organs.

In the present grim situation in which we feel lack of many things our Party established the new policy on childcare and provides all the pupils and students with new school uniforms, school things and school bags.

Under the meticulous guidance of the respected General Secretary our people’s government promotes the gigantic work for putting the economy of the country on a development track and wages a vigorous struggle to embody the people-oriented policies.

Amid the struggle to implement the programme for the rural revolution in the new era precious successes have been made in the work for completing the irrigation system of the country and lots of modern farm machines of high efficiency were sent to the farms across the country including South Hwanghae Province. And splendid rural dwellings of regional characteristics have been built and thus the new history of rural rejuvenation is being written.

The new houses in the new streets where the modern civilization is epitomized are provided to ordinary working people and the work for providing people with sufficient living condition is being conducted.

Therefore, our people heartily shout that our happiness and bright future are fully guaranteed for ever thanks to the respected General Secretary. 


Protector of People’s Interests 


Our people call our state government with the word "people".

It is the burst of gratitude of people who keenly realize the truth that nobody can live even a day and think their future without our benevolent people’s government.

The respected General Secretary instructed that we have lots of affairs to solve, but nothing is more important and primary than protecting and taking care of people’s destiny and life.

Under the leadership of the respected General Secretary who values the fundamental interests of people the most, the people-first principle was implemented to the letter in the overall state affairs and the spirit of prioritizing the demands and interests of people and holding them absolute was established firmly. And the struggle to wipe out abuses of power, bureaucratism, irregularities and corruption was strengthened and the work method and style of officials are improved day by day in a popular manner.

And the work for perfecting the legal system of the State and strengthening the role of law in State and social life is being intensified and the law of the country develops as one serving for ensuring people’s security and realizing people’s interests. The spirit of respecting the State laws with a noble sense of law observance and abiding by them on a voluntary basis is being established thoroughly among the people.

As we have our people’s government which is responsible for, protects and takes care of the destiny and interest of people, the beautiful life of our people will shine further and our country will prosper endlessly.

Rodong Sinmun