Sep. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
To Harden Foundation of Self-supporting Economy

Politics 2023.11.30.

Immutable Course for Development


One day several years ago, the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un sat with officials to teach issues arising in different sectors of the national economy.

He said that we have nothing fearful as there is the strong foundation of self-supporting national economy provided by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il foreseeing the future of our revolution after a century or two centuries.

Listening to his saying, the officials felt great gratitude to the President and the Chairman who left the precious wealth of self-supporting economy, only one in the world, to posterity of our country. The respected General Secretary told the officials that he would present a bill on the agenda to defend and further glorify the immortal exploits of the President and the Chairman in the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee to be held in the future.

The following day the General Secretary stressed that self-reliance is the only way out for us.

Later the 4th plenary meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea stressed the need to build a powerful socialist country under the unfurled banner of self-reliance.

Looking up to the respected General Secretary the participants in the plenary meeting said to themselves that our country will steadily advance along the only way of self-reliance, the way for ever-victory and immutable course for development, under the leadership of the peerlessly great men generation after generation.


Spiritual World He Highly Appreciated


The respected General Secretary stresses that self-reliance is the only way out whenever he visits units.

It happened when the General Secretary visited a machine factory in Jagang Province.

At that time the factory was massively manufacturing high-efficiency machines by the utilitarian method able to normalize the production without expensive metal material which had been imported till then.

Learning about the situation of the manufacturing the cable cars for the skiing ground in the Yangdok Hot Spring Resort, the General Secretary stressed the need to raise the quality of the cable cars lest the people should feel any slight inconvenience. Then he highly praised the newly manufactured potato farina production facilities.

He emphasized the need to realize local production of machinery and equipment in modernization of production processes of factories and enterprises including foodstuff factories in our country.

He highly praised the spiritual world of the working class of the factory who worked hard overcoming difficulties by their own efforts.

That day the General Secretary showed deep trust in the factory saying that the Party attaches big importance to the factory.

The General Secretary’s saying that day made the whole country seethe with the movement of self-reliance.

Rodong Sinmun