Sep. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Voices of People in New Rural Dwelling Houses

Culture 2023.12.1.

Public Stable Newly Built


This year, new dwelling houses were built splendidly in our village.

Not long ago, a public stable with several blocks was built cosily.

The stable, in which hundreds of domestic animals including pigs, goats and rabbits can grow, makes a good appearance and also is convenient to use.

The stable equipped with an epizootic prevention room and a hygienic passing room has animal sheds with water supply system.

We can also produce a lot of manure by processing animal excreta from the stable while living in a hygienic and cultured way.

The farmers of our village make up their minds to do a good job of stockbreeding, enriching the family life and producing more manure.

Seeing the modern dwelling houses and the public stable, we were moved to tears by the loving care of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un who saw to it that public stables were built in farm villages, reading farmers’ minds.

Now, we are full of determination to repay the loving care of the motherly Party with the increased grain production.

Han Ok Ran, a farmer at Workteam No.8, Konbong Farm, Sonchon County


It Seems Like a Dream


It has been over a year since our family moved into a new picturesque house which was built in the Ryonpho area together with the Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm.

However, I still remember the day of moving into the new house as if it were yesterday.

It seemed like a dream when I received the license for the use of the house that day though I was retired because of my old age.

That day I was moved to tears, not persuading myself that such splendid house was assigned to me.

Such legend-like story can be heard only in our country which believes in the people as in heaven.

To convey my delight, I wrote a letter to my son; and in his reply letter, he determined to defend the post of the motherland at the cost of his life.

I say to myself thanks to the benevolent socialist motherland, we are the most blessed people in the world.

Choe Myong Hui, a resident in Ryonpho-ri, Hamju County


Family Photo Taken in New Dwelling House


My family had failed to have a family photo taken because of busy farm work. So my children used to ask to have a family photo taken on holidays.

However, we realized our wish on the day of moving into a new dwelling house.

Not long ago, a photographer came to our village to take photos of our farmers leading a happy life in new dwelling houses provided by the Party.

So we had a family photo taken with the new house for a background.

Not only our family but also other families in the village had family photos taken that day.

After a few days, we received the family photos from the photographer.

Indeed, those family photos convey our happy life in the socialist paradise and our gratitude to the motherly Party.

Jong Kum Chol, head of youth sub-workteam, Jasan Farm, Phyongsong City