Sep. 15,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
67th Candlelight Rally and Demo Held in Region of South Korean Puppets


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The 67th candlelight rally and demonstration took place in Seoul on December 2 in order to push for the resignation of traitor Yoon Suk Yeol against a backdrop of the dynamic massive struggle which is being staged in the whole region of south Korean puppets to condemn the U.S. for planning a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula and to oust Yoon who is fooling the people and bringing them only misfortune and disgrace as a war shock brigade and puppet of his master.

A lot of people, including workers, peasants, poor people, students and religionists, were attending the rally held on the theme of "Let us impeach imposter Yoon Suk Yeol for wasteful use of taxes collected from people and bringing disgrace to the people."

The participants in the rally denounced the anti-peace actions of the U.S. and traitor Yoon, carrying large placards and posters reading "Let us impeach and have a general election!", "Impeachment is peace" and "The people demand the impeachment of Yoon Suk Yeol".

Then the participants marched, chanting slogans "Impeachment is peace. Let us impeach Yoon Suk Yeol!" and "Let us impeach Yoon Suk Yeol through all-people resistance!"

Meanwhile, civic and public organizations of various circles, including the Sovereignty Solidarity and the Progressive Federation of Students, declared through statements, written protests, press conferences and rallies that they would stage to the last the action to oust Yoon, who is flattering and yielding to foreign forces and bringing the danger of a nuclear war.

According to media in the region of south Korean puppets, in all the struggle venues, people are calling for putting an early end to the U.S. massacres and war for co-existence and peace, and people from all walks of life, including workers, peasants, youth, students, civic organizations, and progressive political parties, continue waging the struggle for the resignation of Yoon who is running amuck to unleash a nuclear war with the backing of the U.S. and Japan.

Rodong Sinmun