Oct. 18, 2024 Friday  
Rodong Sinmun
U.S., World’s Biggest Death Merchant


So Kwang Myong, an international affairs analyst of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, released the following article titled "World’s biggest threat-exporting country":

The U.S. is describing those countries incurring its displeasure as "threatening states", while frequently talking about peace. But the reality shows its true colors as the wrecker of world peace.

The reckless arms export of the U.S., which is threatening world peace and security and the existence of mankind, is the typical example.

Some days ago, the U.S. newspaper Wall Street Journal recently disclosed that since the armed clash between Palestine and Israel broke out in October this year, the U.S. has supplied Israel with more than 15 000 air bombs and more than 57 000 155-mm shells.

It said that the authorities are "urging" Israel to use weapons with weak explosive power in public but massively supplying weapons with high fire power behind the scenes.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

As known, the U.S., which caused the Ukraine crisis for its hegemonic interests, is going to supply F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine after supplying it with cluster bombs whose use is internationally banned for being recognized as very dangerous WMD.

The Ukraine crisis has been prolonged due to the massive transfer of weapons to the Ukraine by the U.S. and other Western countries prodded by the U.S., and many innocent people have lost their lives.

Lethal weapons and military hardware of the U.S. are being ceaselessly brought to Britain, Australia, Canada and other countries, too.

In particular, the U.S. is keen on arms trade with countries in the Indo-Pacific region, with the implementation of the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" as its main goal.

On December 1, the U.S. decided to sell its munitions and equipment related to F-35 to the south Korean puppets, talking about the "political stability in the Indo-Pacific region and the improvement of security of its major ally".

It is a very dangerous act of adding fuel to the aggravating situation on the Korean peninsula and in the region, which have turned into the biggest hot spot in the world.

The U.S. also allowed the export of various offensive weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles to Japan, a war criminal state keen on realizing its ambition for reinvasion, thus making a tangible "contribution" to turning the "Self-Defense Forces" into an offensive group, not the one for "exclusive defense".

The U.S. has continuously supplied various kinds of weapons and equipment to Taiwan under the pretext of "deterring" someone. Recently, it decided to pay subsidies for supporting Taiwan’s import of U.S. weapons.

It is a common understanding of the international community that such arms trade is not aimed at making money only.

It is the ulterior motive of the U.S. to arm its stooges and followers for proxy wars more thoroughly with ultra-modern lethal weapons and use them as a shock brigade for realizing its strategy for world hegemony, isolate and weaken its potential rivals, and thus maintain at any cost its hegemonic position on the verge of collapse.

The U.S. sale of ultra-modern weapons clearly indicates who the world’s biggest threat-exporting country is.

Rodong Sinmun