Oct. 18, 2024 Friday  
Rodong Sinmun
One for All and All for One!

Culture 2024.1.6.

After Consultative Meeting in Coalface


Technicians and experts of the industrial experiment station of the Sochang Youth Coal Mine were busy with manufacturing and installing important equipment for the belt conveyor project.

Head of the station Kim Song Hak found that U Kyong Chol in charge of technical preparation for foundation part of the equipment looked unwell. Kim Song Hak required about the reason and U replied that he beat his brains for mechanical calculations for several days, but failed to find a decisive guarantee for success.

In the evening that day Kim Song Hak sat together with Kim Thae Ryong, secretary of the Party cell of the station, to solve the above-said issue by dint of concerted efforts of the collective.

Next day there took place an informal consultative meeting of technicians and experts. All the participants buckled down to the discussion of the issue saying that they could find a way out for carrying out the Party’s decision in time by sharing techniques and experiences and pooling their wisdom.

The proposal of an expert drew attention of the participants. His bold idea escaping from the ready-made conception was completed by pooling wisdom of all.

The test run of the equipment was successful at one time. On the occasion of the success, technicians and experts of the station felt again that nothing is impossible to do if they fully display the might of collectivism.


Collective of Young People Advancing with Concerted Efforts  


There can be easily heard touching stories at the Jongju Youth Railway Station; those are all about young people who find good deeds for society and collective, bearing in mind the slogan "One for All and All for One!"

Among them are a young girl who voluntarily prepared good food for comrades and a primary organization official of youth league who strove to help a comrade solve his family matters.

In autumn, last year, a youth league member was carried to a hospital.

Several years before, he had been hurt by an unexpected accident and his illness took a turn for the worse.

Rim Kwang Hyok and other young people came to the hospital to see the patient, taking various tonics with them, and encouraged him to do more work for the country after recovering his health.

Afterwards, they frequently visited him to show kindred affection to the patient.

Thanks to the medical treatment and their warm affection, the patient regained his health.

Now the Jongju Youth Railway Station is proud of those young people who advance while helping and leading each other forward with concerted efforts.


Assistance to Construction Site of Jonwi Street 


The news that the 9th Enlarge Plenum of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea was held brought great emotion and excitement to a lot of people in the whole country and thus they could not get to sleep.

Among them was a couple of Kim Su Min and Ri Hye Song living in Saegori-dong No. 3 of Sapho District, Hamhung City.

They wanted to give fresh strength and courage to the youth builders at the construction site of Jonwi Street true to the Party’s grandiose capital city construction plan.

While picturing the builders devoting to their sweats in the construction, they discussed all the night what they could prepare for them.

Thus, Kim and Ri phoned a commander in the South Hamgyong Provincial Brigade of the the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade on the morning of the New Year’s Day to ask what the builders needed in their work and life, and prepared the aid materials with sincerity.

Being informed of such fact, Pak Sun Hui, too, turned out in the assistance together with her daughter and son-in-law.

Indeed, the aid materials sent to the construction site in the New Year reflected their warm minds to devote their all to the prosperity of the capital city.

Rodong Sinmun