Oct. 18, 2024 Friday  
Rodong Sinmun
News of Innovations Achieved Daily from Outset of New Year

Economy 2024.1.9.

Thousands of Tons of Freight Transported More in Single Week


Officials and working class of the Kaechon Railway Bureau have transported thousands of tons of freight more than planned from the very outset of the year, true to the spirit of the 9th Plenum of the 8th Party Central Committee.

The Party and administrative officials of the bureau actively inspired the masses to innovations in freight-transport needed for various sectors and units of national economy. The senior officials took measures for guaranteeing the harmony and safety of transport after acquainting themselves with the arising problems on the spot.

Officials and working class of several engine service brigades, passenger and freight car corps and stations including the Jongju Engine Service Brigade, Kaechon Engine Service Brigade, Anju Passenger and Freight Car Corps and Ryongdung Station lead the increased transportation.


Production of Irrigation Pumps Increases 


Officials and working class of the Anju Pump Factory have over-fulfilled the daily production plan of irrigation pump from the very outset of the new year.

The officials of the factory have turned out in high spirit, being conscious of their bounden duty in completing the irrigation system of the country this year, a decisive year of confirming the victory in attaining the fighting goal set by the Eighth Party Congress.

Senior officials of the factory organize and command the production in a scrupulous way, analyzing the success and defects.

They set the realistic targets in raising the quality of products and developing new efficient products and put main efforts into carrying out them step by step while ensuring the present production by providing the raw and other materials preferentially.

The officials and working people of various production units, including casting workshop, assembly workshop and processing workshops, actively conduct the socialist patriotic movement in the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and devote their loyal efforts to production of pump for irrigation projects.

Rodong Sinmun