Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Immortal Guideline for Strengthening Our Party

Politics 2024.1.27.

Task of Utmost Importance


In April of Juch 110(2021) the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea was held splendidly in Pyongyang, the capital city of our revolution, in the presence of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

At the conference, the respected General Secretary made an important concluding speech "On the Important Tasks for Strengthening Party Cells at Present".

Saying that the work of strengthening Party cells is the foundation of the building up and unity of the entire Party and the main key to accelerating socialist construction, he went on:

Turning Party cells into healthy and viable ones closely knitted in the bonds of kinship - this is the task of utmost importance in their strengthening at present.

Indeed, the unity among human beings based on trust, feelings and comradely love is one that can be achieved only among revolutionaries who are united with the same purpose and the truth and struggle with one ideology and will. No other unity can be more durable and viable than this unity.

The instruction of the respected General Secretary implanted into minds of the Party cell secretaries the truth that the shortcut to strengthening the entire Party lies in strengthening the might of unity.


Core Item That Requires Efforts


Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), made the important speech at a lecture to commemorate the 76th founding anniversary of the WPK on Oct. 10, Juche 110(2021).

In his speech, he said that ideological work is the core item of the Party work that requires maximum attention and efforts all the time and there can never be any limit in enhancing its efficiency, adding that the Party organizations and the leading officials of the Party should thoroughly establish and keep ratcheting up the traits for raising enthusiasm for studying to firmly arm the Party members and other working people with the revolutionary idea of the Party Central Committee.

His saying showed the grand intention to pave the road of advance of the building of the socialist power by dint of ideology whose vitality was displayed to the full on the road of strengthening and developing our Party.

It was just the declaration of the peerlessly great man’s unshakable will to hold fast to ideology as the most powerful weapon to push the advance of revolution.


Motto He Implanted Deeply


On July day of Juche 111(2022) the respected General Secretary had a significant photo session with the participants in the Special Workshop for Officials in the Party Life Guidance Sections of Organizational Departments of Party Committees at All Levels of the WPK at the garden of the office building of the Party Central Committee.

He extended warm greetings of encouragement to the participants who put their heart and soul into preparing themselves to be firmly armed with the revolutionary idea of the Party Central Committee during the workshop, bearing in mind the intention of the Party Central Committee that organized the special workshop at an important and historic time when the Korean revolution has entered the new phase of development.

He repeatedly and earnestly asked the officials in the Party life guidance sections, who underwent another crucial course for strengthening the Party, to bear in mind their new oath and fully discharge the role of blood vessels and nerves firmly connecting the Party organizations with the Party Central Committee as one organism in their revolutionary workplaces with firm faith and will and become standard-bearers in strengthening the entire Party.

Be blood vessels and nerves firmly connecting the Party organizations with the Party Central Committee as one organism!

His earnest request that day serves as the motto for the officials in the Party life guidance sections which should be kept for life.

Rodong Sinmun