Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Workshop of Officials in Field of Party Discipline Inspection Held

Politics 2024.2.2.

The first workshop of officials in the field of Party discipline inspection took place from January 29 to 31.

Present there were Choe Ryong Hae, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), members of the Central Inspection Commission of the WPK, officials of the relevant department of the WPK Central Committee, leading officials of the provincial, city and county Party committees and Party committees that perform such function, officials in the Discipline Inspection Department, officials, teachers and researchers of the Party cadre training institutions and officials of the relevant department of the State Inspection Commission.

Kim Chol Sam, director of the Discipline Inspection Department of the WPK Central Committee, made a report.

The report referred to the immortal exploits performed by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who set forth the original idea and theory on building discipline of the Party through profound ideological and theoretical activities and clearly indicated the principled issues arising in the discipline inspection, thus providing powerful ideological, theoretical and methodological weapons for strengthening the whole Party and laying a solid foundation for building discipline by establishing the Korean-style revolutionary and efficient guidance system and work system.

It also referred to the work in the field of discipline inspection for managing the Party and preserving the purity of its ranks on the basis of the idea of building Party discipline in the new era.

He called on all the officials in the field of discipline inspection to fully discharge their sacred mission and duty before the Party, the revolution, the country and the people as standard-bearers and frontline soldiers in building discipline for our Party who are firmly equipped with the idea and theory of building discipline of our Party and conducting all discipline inspections in line with the idea and intention of the Party Central Committee.

A practical short course was held there to bring about a radical change in the ideological viewpoint and work style of officials in the field of disciplinary inspection.

A lecture was first given to deeply grasp the idea of building discipline formulated and systematized in the Party-building programme of the new era set forth by General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

Then, it dealt with the issue of the officials in the field of discipline inspection to stubbornly push ahead with the work with high sense of responsibility, principle and strong courage and the issue of establishing a strict discipline supervision system and a discipline-applying system throughout the whole Party.

During the workshop, the participants learned fresh methodology and knack for bringing about a radical turn in building Party discipline and actively cultivated their political and practical qualifications and practical abilities while exchanging and sharing full opinions on the issues arising in the work practice.

Rodong Sinmun