Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Enlarged Plenary Meeting of Cabinet Committee of WPK Held

Politics 2024.2.11.

An enlarged plenary meeting of the Cabinet Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) took place on Friday to thoroughly implement the Regional Development 20×10 Policy of the Party.

Present there were Kim Tok Hun, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, Pak Jong Gun, vice-premier of the Cabinet and chairman of the State Planning Commission, Kim Myong Hun, vice-premier of the Cabinet, Ri Yong Sik, chief secretary of the Cabinet Committee of the WPK, and its members and alternate members. Also on hand were officials concerned as observers.

The plenary meeting carefully discussed measures for perfectly carrying out the epochal strategy for the development of regional industry set forth by the Party Central Committee.

A report was made at the meeting.

The reporter said that the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un has clarified an immortal great programme for rapidly putting the basic material and cultural living standard of the regional people throughout the country onto one stage at an early date by dynamically promoting the development of regional industry and has detailed economic and practical measures for its realization and ushered in a new era of the overall prosperity of the state.

The Regional Development 20×10 Policy is the most revolutionary, popular and original line which comprehensively deals with the great Party Central Committee’s spirit of believing in the people as in Heaven, spirit of devoted service to the people and the devoted practical ability, and it is also an epochal landmark to be specially recorded in the nearly 80-year history of the WPK which provides the people across the country with unprecedented great changes in which a new socialist civilization and new life will be vibrant, the reporter said.

The plenary meeting discussed the ways for upholding with devoted practice the grand plan and intention of the Party which set forth the development of regional industry as an important revolutionary task.

It stressed the need for the officials, who are the organizers and executors of the implementation of the Party’s policy and leading personnel of the revolution, to bring about a radical improvement in the ideological viewpoint and work style with the spirit of devoted service to the people and fulfill their responsibility and duty in the gigantic struggle for bringing changes to regions.

Speeches were made at the meeting.

Rodong Sinmun