Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Regarding Mental Strength of Masses As Strongest Weapon

Politics 2024.2.22.

Primary Task Arising in Party’s Ideological Work


The mental strength of human being is inexhaustible and nothing is impossible when the popular masses fully display their mental strength.

The spiritual strength precisely means the strength of ideology, which vigorously promotes the victorious advance of the revolution and construction.

Therefore, the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un, availing every opportunity, stresses the need to give full play to the mental strength of the masses.

One December day in Juche 106(2017), the respected General Secretary visited the Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism Study Hall in Samjiyon City.

Giving an instruction to operate the study hall in a substantial way that day, he stressed that the main in the education through the Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism Study Hall is to study the pictorial record of the revolutionary history, saying that the issue of strengthening the education in the revolutionary traditions is the primary task in the ideological work of our Party and the revolutionary consciousness of the people will not rise of their own accord.

Primary task!

Listening to the respected General Secretary, accompanying officials fell into deep thoughts.

When giving priority to the work for firmly arming our Party members and working people with the revolutionary traditions, they can dynamically wage the struggle for bringing earlier the rosy future of socialist powerful country without yielding in any difficulties.

Now when the hostile forces’ moves and all sorts of difficult conditions have been escalated, to bear deep in mind the revolutionary traditions is, indeed, a very urgent one.

The respected General Secretary earnestly taught officials that as the times develop and the level of civilization of society rises, we should further intensify the ideological education for firmly equipping the popular masses with Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and glorious revolutionary traditions of our Party.

That day, the officials made their firm resolve to further arouse the revolutionary zeal and fighting spirit of the masses by bringing about a new turn in the education in the revolutionary traditions.


With Faith in Socialism 


Nowadays our reliable scientists devote their patriotic minds to the road for the scientific research work with high enthusiasm for positively contributing to the building of a prosperous power.

Such proud realities are attributable to the wise leadership of the respected General Secretary who has trained our scientists as those with great mental strength possessing firm faith in socialism.

One October day in Juche 103(2014), the respected General Secretary visited the completed Wisong Scientists Residential District.

While looking round the district, he expressed his satisfaction at the fact that the district was built as a fairyland in the era of the Workers’ Party.

He said that science had no frontiers, but our scientists must cherish the faith that they were frontline workers defending socialism.

His words, reflecting his trust in our scientists, impressed officials.

Looking at the officials wrapped in deep emotion, the General Secretary stressed again that scientific work is the one which should be carried on with faith.

Indeed, his instruction served as the precious guideline for our scientists to be held fast to on the road of scientific research work.

Rodong Sinmun