Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Regarding Science and Technology as Weapon of Prosperity

Politics 2024.3.8.

Great Trust and Expectation


One October day in Juche 103(2014), the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un looked round the completed apartment houses for lecturers of Kim Chaek University of Technology.

The sky-scraping apartments on the bank of the River Taedong which symbolize our Party’s idea of prioritizing science and talents were really handsome as if they were sailing ships on the river.

The senior official of Kim Chaek University of Technology said with emotion that he wanted to boastfully shout to the world that the respected General Secretary provided the lecturers of the university with such splendid houses.

Then the respected General Secretary said that he would be quite satisfactory when our scientists lived in a more civilized living condition and that it was the unshakeable determination of our Party to build up the socialist power by dint of the science and technology.

And he earnestly stressed that scientists should always bear the Party’s intention to build the people’s paradise with science deep in their minds and redouble their efforts.

Such great trust and expectation inspire our scientists to display unlimited creative enthusiasm in their scientific research for the prosperity of the motherland.


Issue He Paid Deep Attention to


The respected General Secretary inspected the newly-built Central Mushroom Research Institute 10-odd years ago.

On the day he dropped in at the e-library first.

After appreciating that the e-library was arranged well, he asked about the way of operating the e-library.

After listening to an official’s answer, he said that the Central Mushroom Research Institute should give technical guidance to mushroom factories well, teaching methods for it.

Officials were filled with remorse because the institute failed to do so in the past.

The respected General Secretary said that the industrialization of mushroom productioncan only be realized when not only the construction of some mushroom farms but also provision of scientific and technical guarantee were ensured and thus the mushroom production should be industrialized on a scientific basis.

It is the noble will of the respected General Secretary to create happiness of people constantly by dint of the science and technology.

Rodong Sinmun