Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
On Road for Country’s Development of Science and Technology

Politics 2024.4.2.

His Noble Intention


It happened when the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un went round Unha Scientists Street which was successfully completed on the occasion of 65th founding anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Going round the street, he expressed his satisfaction at the fact that the better living conditions were provided to our scientists.

That day the respected General Secretary said with pleasure that the successful completion of Unha Scientists Street was the vivid demonstration of the Party’s policy of attaching importance to science and technology.

Then he instructed that developing the science and technology is the main requirement for building the foundation of the socialist power, and went on:

As I often say, the solid foundation leads to success in all works. When we make a revolution with a proper attitude to and viewpoint on the science and talents, the country can prosper and the foundation of the power can be solid. ..

It was indeed the precious instructions with profound meaning.

Without the development of science, the powerful country is unthinkable and when we put great efforts into development of science, we can build the solid foundation of the power-- this is the noble intention of the respected General Secretary.


Issue That Should Be Prioritized


In September Juche 110(2021), the 5th Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK was held in the presence of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

The respected General Secretary made a historic policy speech in the session.

In his speech, he stressed that the government of the Republic should consistently keep it as an important state policy to facilitate sci-tech development and thoroughly implement it in all fields and sectors.

Then he said that what is important in the sci-tech research work is to make substantial successes conducive to the development of national economy and improvement of the people’s living standard.

That day, the respected General Secretary instructed that the scientific research field should regard it as the core, main assignment and prior task to immediately resolve the urgent sci-tech problems in economic construction and people’s living, step up the research and development for it and introduce its successes into practice in order to gain actual benefits.

Hearing his speech, the participants in the session made a firm pledge to realize the will of the General Secretary who intends to bring about a radical change in economic development and improvement of the people’s living standard by giving priority to the science and technology.

Rodong Sinmun