Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Earnest Request and Precious Guideline

Politics 2024.4.4.

Crucial Matter Decisive of Victory of Revolution


It happened in March, Juche 106(2017) when the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un gave field guidance to the remodeled Korean Revolution Museum.

Looking round various places of the museum that day, he said it served as a great historic event that the Korean Revolution Museum, a grand seat for education in the revolutionary traditions deeply implanting in mind of the Party members, soldiers and people the revolutionary history and exploits of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, was successfully remodeled on the occasion of the 105th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung, adding that the museum dealing with the whole course of the Korean revolution is a revolution museum of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in name and reality.

Listening to him, the accompanying officials were wrapped in deep emotion.

Saying that it is an unshakable will of our Party to usher in the golden age of education in the revolutionary traditions, he stressed that to intensify the education in the revolutionary traditions at present when the generation of the revolution is being replaced by the new generations growing as the pillars of the Korean revolution and the enemies are getting vicious in their desperate efforts to check our advance is a crucial matter decisive of the victory of the revolution, noting that when firmly arming themselves with the glorious revolutionary traditions of our Party, they can dynamically wage the struggle for carrying forward and accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche.

His precious instructions given that unforgettable day are immortal guideline to be held fast to enduringly in advancing our revolution to victory.


Excellent Method for Educating Masses in a Revolutionary Way


The respected General Secretary, availing every opportunity, stresses the need to strengthen the five-point education.

In his concluding speech at the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea in April, Juche 110(2021), the General Secretary said: Now one generation is being replaced with another in our revolutionary ranks, the conditions and situation for our struggle are harsh and socialist construction is switching over to a new stage. This reality urgently demands that education for training all the Party’s members and the other working people into communists be further intensified, adding that at present an excellent method for educating them in a revolutionary way is the education in the revolutionary traditions, loyalty to the leaders, patriotism, anti-imperialist and class awareness and morality.

How meaningful included in his instructions are!

Only when the masses are armed with the glorious traditions of our Party and conducting the substantial educational work among them for keeping in their mind the loyalty to the leader as the revolutionary faith and obligation, they could be staunch revolutionaries devoting their all to the road of achieving the revolutionary cause of Juche to the last under the leadership of the Party, genuine patriots possessed of ardent love for the country, passionate fighters with unshakeable stout anti-imperialist and class awareness and civilized social human being with high cultural traits and noble moral traits.

Therefore the respected General Secretary gave precious instructions that the revolutionary spirit of Paektu, the spirit of the blizzards of Paektu is the most efficient ideological and mental medicine and valuable powerful vitamin instilling in their mind the revolutionary and patriotic zeal.

His instructions teach us that the five-point education should be conducted in a substantial way with the main emphasis put on education in the revolutionary traditions and loyalty and herein lies the main key to making all the offficials, Party members and working people perform new miracles and feats in today’s grand struggle for building socialist power.

Rodong Sinmun