Oct. 5,Juche 113 (2024) Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Joint Performance Given

Culture 2024.4.11.

A joint performance was given by the Workers’ Art Group of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) and the mobile artistic motivation team of the Chollima Steel Complex at the hall of culture of the Chollima Steel Complex on Tuesday to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un’s assumption of the top posts of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the state.

Among the audience were Pak In Chol, chairman of the Central Committee of the GFTUK, officials of the trade union, officials, workers and trade union members of the Chollima Steel Complex.

The performance began with narration and chorus "Glory to General Kim Jong Un". Put on the stage were female solo "Best Wishes of People", female trio "Your Embrace Is the Best" and other colorful numbers.

The performers sang in praise of the greatness and exploits of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who is ushering in a new phase of upsurge and a new era of great changes for the comprehensive development of Korean-style socialism with his outstanding and tested leadership.

The numbers put on the stage were acclaimed by the audience as they impressively represented the immortal history of leadership of the peerlessly great man who has given top priority to the rights and interests of the people and made ceaseless devoted service for the wellbeing of the people, regarding their bright smile as the criterion for estimating the national power.

The performance demonstrated the revolutionary spirit of the heroic working class to dynamically open up a new phase of prosperity and development with greater courage and through bold efforts, true to the leadership of Kim Jong Un. It ended with choral recitation and chorus "We Will Go along Road of Loyalty" and "Cheers of the People".

Rodong Sinmun