Oct. 5,Juche 113 (2024) Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Workshops of Information Workers Held in All Provinces, Cities and Counties of DPRK

Culture 2024.5.12.

Workshops of information workers took place at provincial, city and county Party committees in the DPRK.

Present there were senior officials of the provincial, city and county Party committees, officials of their information and publicity departments, information workers of institutions, industrial establishments and farms, officials in the fields of preservation of revolutionary relics, literature and arts and media, and officials of party cadre training organs and working people’s organizations.

Conveyed to the audience at the workshops were the instructions of Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, on improving the ideological work of the Party.

Lectures were given to let the officials in the field of information work of the Party have an understanding of theoretical and practical problems arising in the work for them to share their breath and step with the times and redouble the driving force of the revolution with high qualifications and through bold practice in accomplishing the sacred cause of imbuing the entire Party and the whole society with the revolutionary ideas of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

The workshops dealt with the issue for concentrating the focus of the Party ideological work on modeling the whole Party and society on the revolutionary ideology of the great Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Then, lectures were given on bringing about a fresh turn in the work for education in the revolutionary relics and the leadership exploits of the Party and on steadily improving the forms and methods of the information and motivation work as required by the times.

The workshops also dealt with the issue of making the whole country seethe with the revolutionary spirit of the great era of Kim Jong Un, the new Chollima spirit, and the issue of establishing the revolutionary climate of study more thoroughly throughout the Party.

They dealt with the issue of further enhancing the might of visual aids-based information and motivational work to make the whole country seethe with the efforts for implementing the Party policies, guided by the revolutionary ideas of the Party Central Committee, and the issue of accelerating the comprehensive development of socialism through the more vigorous three-revolution red flag movement.

Through lectures, video-watching, question-and-answer sessions, the participants came to deeply grasp once again the basic and core tasks of the Party ideological work at present and get precious mental and moral pabulum needed to acquire the qualifications and ability as a genuine information worker required by the new era.

Rodong Sinmun