In our country, there are many medical herbs helpful to people’s health promotion.
Among them is Paektusan blueberry registered as a natural monument.
It contains various vitamins including vitamin C and other medicinal substances good for people’s health; so it has been used as a cough medicine, a binding medicine and a hemostatic as well as effective medicinal materials good for recovering women’s health after childbirth since the remote past.
In addition, the Paektusan blueberry is specially efficacious for the treatment of enteric disease, the sedation of central nerve and removing heavy metalpoisoning and various kinds of intoxication.
Regular ingestion of the Paektusan blueberry helps to prevent and cure hyperpiesia and arteriosclerosis.
In particular, blueberry in honey is very good for the promotion of health.
In Oct. Juche 108(2019), the respected General Secretary
Now, the factory produces many processed blueberry products including blueberry sweet jelly, blueberry juice and blueberry wine by using the Paektusan blueberry, a local speciality of our country, and sells them through commercial network.
Rodong Sinmun