Sep. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Road Design Institute in DPRK Marks Its Founding Anniversary


The Road Design Institute of the Road Guidance Bureau under the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection of the DPRK marked its 70th founding anniversary.

President Kim Il Sung, with deep insight into the importance of roads in ensuring the economic development of the country and the convenience of the people, founded a design organ specializing in the design of roads on May 18, Juche 43 (1954) and clearly indicated the road to be followed by it.

Chairman Kim Jong Il set forth a policy for expanding and developing the successes of road revolution at a high level and ensured that the institute played a big role in its implementation.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un indicated a new orientation and way for bringing about a revolutionary turn in land management and has led the institute to creditably discharge its mission and duty before the Party and revolution, the country and the people.

Over the past seventy years, the institute has grown up to be a reliable design group of the country under the care of the peerlessly great men and achieved proud successes in the struggle to uphold the noble intention and plan of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

A meeting took place on Friday to mark the anniversary.

Present there were Kim Kyong Jun, minister of Land and Environment Protection, officials concerned and officials and employees of the institute.

Kim Sang Ho, director of the Road Design Institute, made a report.

Rodong Sinmun