Sep. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Meritorious Workers in Pyongyang Thermal Power Plant


Fearless Fighting Spirit


In the 1960s when the whole country was pulsating with the spirit of Chollima, we, repairers of thermal equipment, did not know anything impossible.

It was a common thing for us to spend several sleepless nights at the worksite for hastening the repairing period of boiler and we jumped into the boiler which was still hot without hesitation vying with each other for producing more electricity by shortening the time.

It happened when the task of repairing a facility was assigned to us.

The repair would take four days in consideration of the then situation and ability of the work-team, but we could not allow it.

Thanks to our self-sacrificing struggle, the facility could be repaired in two hours.

We never thought of the ready-made ideas from the start.

What the Party wanted was our target.

For carrying it out, we fearlessly went through fire and water.

Yom Hung Sik, a repairer of Thermal Equipment Repair Branch Station


Key to Making Machine Tool with Empty-hands


It was in the days when the Pyongyang Thermal Power Plant produced electricity for the first time.

Then everything was insufficient in the plant and the most urgent issue was that there were few persons possessing experience and technology in the thermal power sector.

At that time, I was a young man in twenties and also knew nothing about that.

But, with the great pride of working at a glorious working site chosen by President Kim Il Sung, we, the workers of the plant, turned out as one in the struggle for boosting the power production while making what was lacking and procuring what was in short supply. We made necessary spare parts for repairing the generating facility and the machine tools including the surface grinder and cutting machine by our own strength.

The key to making the machine tools with empty-hands lies in do-or-die spirit and boldness that one should pluck even a star at any cost if the Party wants.

In the future, too, I will devote myself to deeply implanting in the minds of the rising generations the truth that nothing is impossible when one has a burning mind to repay the trust given by the Party.

Pak Ryong Jin, a turner of the Maintenance Shop


For Creating New Pyongyang Speed


At a time when the entire people were rushing ahead vigorously in all the fronts of socialist construction, the Pyongyang Thermal Power Plant, too, were seething with the struggle for creating the new Pyongyang Speed.

It happened when a project had been underway to minimize the damage from rainy season in the plant.

The construction of various waterways extending hundreds of meters and catch pit with a capacity of thousands of cubic meters had to take over five months.

But we, the youth of the plant, could not allow the time of five months.

So, we completed the project in a month in keeping step with the then stirring trend and displayed to the full the mettle of the youth-builders in the dwelling construction for the plant’s workers.

I want to say something again to the young people in the new era who will shoulder the future of the plant.

Everybody should advance in the van of the times towards the better future as the former generations did and thus glorify their youthful days today when the flames of the Chollima spirit of the new era flare up becoming the forerunners of the times.

Rim Myong Chan, a worker of the Construction Section