Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Economic Plans for May Fulfilled in Different Sectors and Units of DPRK

Economy 2024.6.5.

Displaying Might of Juche-orientation and Modernization 


Steelworkers in the field of metallurgical industry over-fulfilled their production plan for pig iron and rolled steel by 100.1% and 103% respectively.

Those of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex cut the melting time of the oxygen heat blast furnace and upgraded the steel production method of our style.

The working people of the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex devoted their efforts to increase the steel production; and its technicians set rationally the mixing ratio of raw materials and fuel while managing the oxygen heat blast furnace and the electric furnace in a technical way.

The working people of the Chollima Steel Complex consolidated its own material and technical foundation and introduced a new method of running furnace.

The Musan Mining Complex brought in effective mining and blasting methods and made a success in iron ore production and earth removal.

Similar successes were witnessed at the Puryong Ferroalloy Factory, the Posan Iron Works, the Unryul Mine and other units.

The officials and working people in the field of chemical industry made success in the their production.

Those of the the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex and the Hungnam Fertilizer Complex carried out their fertilizer production plan by 108% and 113% respectively.

The February 8 Vinalon Complex, Sinuiju Chemical Fiber Mill and other units waged the campaign of technical innovations for improving the capacity of facilities.


Providing Power and Raw Material Enough for Major Theaters of National Economy 


The power production bases across the country seethe with enthusiasm for performing innovations.

Working class in the field of electric-power industry conducted management of their generating equipment in a substantial way, thus increasing the electricity production.

Those in the field of coal industry, who kindled the torch of the socialist patriotic movement for increased coal production, overcame the facing difficulties by dint of collectivism and over-fulfilled their coal production plan for May by 104 percent.

Various coal mining complexes throughout the country concentrated their efforts on tunneling for guaranteeing the normalization of production while promoting the development of new coal mines and coal pits.

The Sunchon, Pukchang and Tokchon area coal mining complexes supplied the equipment and materials including coal wagon, rail and prop timber in a foresighted manner and thus increased the coal production persistently.

The Tukjang Area Coal Mining Complex and others also mobilized their current production potentiality to the maximum and heightened their transport capacity phase by phase, thus brought about increased production.


Amid Fierce Flame of Mass-based Technical Innovation Movement 


The mining and building-materials industrial sectors boosted the production by constantly strengthening their own technical forces and developing their creative abilities.

Various units of the mining industrial sector enhanced to the maximum the role of technicians and skilled workers while launching vigorous production drive.

The Unpha Mine minutely organized the work for fully tapping reserves and potentialities by dint of science and technology.

Its technicians and skilled workers, in close cooperation with relevant units, provided the favorable conditions to the production and make strenuous efforts to increase the mineral production.

The workers of the Munphyong and Manpho smelteries, too, found out the proper methods capable of raising the actual extraction rate in each process by pooling their creative wisdom to introduce them into practice, making it possible to normalize the production.

Also the Phungnyon and other mines put spurs to producing the apatite concentrate by increasing the operating rate of the facilities.

Meanwhile, the Sangwon Cement Complex, on the basis of scientific analysis of the equipment’s situation, increased the production by introducing rational control methods.

Similar production successes have been witnessed in the Sunchon Cement Complex, the Chonnaeri Cement Factory and the Taean Friendship Glass Factory.

Besides, many sectors of the national economy brought about a stride forward in carrying out their plans by giving fullest play to the production potentialities in the flame of collective and collaborative innovations, holding fast to science and technology as a weapon of advance and development.

Rodong Sinmun