Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Regarding Self-reliance As Treasured Sword of Prosperity

Politics 2024.6.22.

Work of Preparing Technical Force Should Be Done by Themselves


One June day of Juche 102(2013) the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un inspected the Changsong Foodstuff Factory.

Making the rounds of the factory, he asked how many wild fruits they had harvested in the year before and expressed satisfaction at the fact that the factory normalized the production with wild fruits such as acorn and wild grape.

After hearing that officials of a factory in Pyongyang helped their trial run and other unit also lent a helping hand the respected General Secretary said that those factory and unit should help the Changsong Foodstuff Factory continuously.

Officials of the factory were very grateful for the benevolence of the respected General Secretary.

Looking up to him, they recollected the benevolent images of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il who bestowed all the love and affection on people in Changsong County.

Presently, the respected General Secretary said that the Changsong Foodstuff Factory should do well the work of training technicians and skilled workers by themselves.

His instructions convinced them that if they only rely on other’s help, they could be wrapped with dependence and if so, they would be easy to give up in a tiny difficulty.

Looking at those officials, the respected General Secretary warmly said that Changsong County should do work of preparing technical force of the Changsong Foodstuff Factory in a responsible way.

Receiving the instructions of the respected General Secretary, the officials realized once again his great trust and expectation that they would be ones strong in self-reliance and hasten the bright future.

Afterwards the factory waged a vigorous campaign to train the technicians and skilled workers on their own and thus the rank of technicians and skilled workers increased rapidly and a great upsurge was made in production.


Intention Officials Kept Deep in Their Minds


One July day of Juche 107(2018) the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un inspected then Samjiyon County.

Looking round the construction sites of the county, he gave precious instructions.

When he was in the Rimyongsu area, he said that various types of dwelling houses and buildings should be placed in a diverse and peculiar way along the side of the ravine, preserving the characteristics of nature and topography, adding that the people in Samjiyon County should fulfill their duty as masters in the construction of Samjiyon County.

And he earnestly said that through the construction of the county, not only the appearance of the county but also the ideological spiritual world should be transformed.

As a matter of fact, the officials were not far-sighted enough to think that the construction of the county should be a course of educating the people with the spirit of the anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners who defeated the Japanese imperialists by manufacturing the Yongil Bomb with empty hands and cultivating their mental strength of self-reliance.

His instructions involved the deep meaning that the people in Samjiyon County, who live in the area of Mt Paektu, should be high in ideological and mental conditions and stand in the van of face-lifting their regions.

That day the officials made a firm pledge to prepare the people as ones strong in mental strength and forerunners of self-reliance as befits the people in the area of Mt Paektu in which the tradition of self-reliance was created.

Rodong Sinmun