Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
To Glorify Great History of War Victory

Politics 2024.7.18.

Precious Heritage and Eternal Treasure of Revolution


In June Juche 104(2015) the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited the Historic Site Associated with the Fatherland Liberation War.

After making the round of different places of the historic site the General Secretary said that it was built well as befitting the national treasure.

He went on:

The area of the historic site was perfectly built as a comprehensive base for education so that the Juche-oriented military idea of President Kim Il Sung and his anti-imperialist revolutionary exploits can be conveyed forever and the will of our people and servicepersons of the Korean People’s Army to inherit the ever-victorious tradition of the predecessors can be displayed again all over the world.

The General Secretary stressed that the Historic Site Associated with the Fatherland Liberation War is a precious heritage of the revolution to be inherited long generation after generation.

Presently, he stated that the President victoriously led the Fatherland Liberation War to perform the undying exploits for the Korean revolution and the world revolution.

He said the historical relics and materials at the site, which prove that the people led by a great leader are sure to emerge victorious and show the important role the leader plays in the revolutionary struggle, are eternal treasure of the Korean revolution that can neither be written off nor be forgotten.

Precious heritage of the revolution, eternal treasure of our revolution!

This is the eruption of the steadfast faith and will of the respected General Secretary to brilliantly glorify the immortal exploits of war victory performed by President Kim Il Sung.


At Yuphyong Revolutionary Site


The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited the Yuphyong Revolutionary Site one June day in Juche 102(2013).

He went round the revolutionary site being briefed about its history by a lecturer. Suddenly, he asked the lecturer if she knew the fact that President Kim Il Sung had talks with soldiers of the People’s Army on the way to Yuphyong-ri.

The lecturer kept mum as she had not known about the fact.

Then the General Secretary told the accompanying officials a story about the fact.

The story goes as follows:

One October day in Juche 39 (1950), the President stopped his car to meet soldiers of the People’s Army singing optimistic songs and reciting poems without any pessimism or despair although it was the period of grimmest days of our country.

The President said that we would surely win the victory as we had the Party, motherland, People’s Army and the people who knew well how precious their country is. The President’s instruction touched hearts of all the people.

After telling the story, the General Secretary earnestly said that there is no one in the world like our President who sent the guards of the supreme command to the front for the country, people and the war victory.

Through this, we can know well about the steadfast will of the respected General Secretary to convey long the President’s exploits for the war victory generation after generation and glorify the great victorious century of the 1950s.

Rodong Sinmun