Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Implanting Steady Class Consciousness

Politics 2024.7.21.

As Fish Cannot Live without Water


One November day, Juche 103(2014), the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited the Sinchon Museum and gave important instructions on intensifying class education.

The respected General Secretary said to officials that the Sinchon Museum is an important educational base for arming service personnel and working people with anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. consciousness and class consciousness, adding that the Korean people and army will never forget the thrice-cursed brutal atrocities committed by the U.S. imperialists and class enemies and will take revenge on them mercilessly without fail.

The massacres committed by the U.S. imperialist aggressors in Sinchon evidently show that they are cannibals and homicides seeking pleasure in slaughter. Its nature and brutality as an aggressor remain unchanged forever.

Therefore, the Party, at every opportunity, stresses that the anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. education and class education should be intensified continuously.

That day he stressed that as fish cannot live without water, it is impossible to think about sovereign life of people and dignity and value of human beings as well as victory of the revolution and socialism without anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. education and class education.

History gave a severe lesson that when one fails to firmly adhere to class principle it can neither accomplish the revolution nor defend the gains of the revolution achieved at the cost of blood. The victory of revolution and the victorious advance of socialism are unthinkable apart from the anti-imperialist education and class education.

That day the officials kept deep in their minds the noble intention of the respected General Secretary that the genuine life of our people and the future of the revolution are guaranteed by persistent struggle to overwhelm imperialism.


Edge of Class and Edge of Revenge Should Be Forged More Sharply 


In May several years ago the respected General Secretary sent a letter to participants in a workshop.

In his letter the respected General Secretary said that the education in anti-imperialist and class awareness can never be neglected even for a moment despite the passage of time and change of generation and went on:

By substantially conducting the education through bases for class education including the Sinchon Museum and the Susan-ri House of Class Education, we should make sure that the union members never forget the brutal nature of imperialists and the past days in which they had been subject to exploitation and oppression and forge the edge of class, the edge of revenge more sharply with firm determination to fight against the imperialists and class enemies.

His instruction implies a profound meaning.

Class consciousness is not permanent and, furthermore, is not passed down to later generation. There are no inborn revolutionaries in the world. Only when the degree of class education is heightened continuously in line with the developing era and intensified struggle, all the people can prepare themselves as transparent fighters who defend and add shine to our cause.

The instructions of the respected General Secretary, until now, double the will of all the people to firmly maintain the revolutionary principle and class standpoint in any environments and mercilessly fight against the class enemies.

Rodong Sinmun