Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Gratitude to Motherly Party’s Policy on Childcare

Politics 2024.7.23.

Warm and Attentive Care


The Korean Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Disability provides comprehensive and multi-functional service to the disabled children.

While working here under the deep trust of the Party, I experience the country’s benefits for our children every day.

Written in a detailed way on the standard diagram for daily supply of nutrition are the names of foodstuffs and the amount of supply so as to put nutritive care of the children on a scientific basis.

This fact goes to clearly prove how great benefits of the Party and state our children receive.

And there are nice childcare facilities, study room and play room in the centre, thus greatly contributing to the rehabilitation and treatment of those with disability.

The parents who leave their children in the care of the centre, too, say that they cannot repress their feelings of thanks to our Party which provides such a nice rehabilitation centre for the disabled children as well as dairy products and nutritive foodstuffs.

We, in the future, will direct bigger efforts to fostering, upbringing and treating them so that they can bring their hopes and talents into full bloom under the benefits of grateful system.

Hwang Jong Hyok, vice-rector of the Korean Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Disability


Worthwhile Work


Every day we carry dairy products to children.

Whenever picturing the children who laugh brightly enjoying dairy products, we are unsatisfied however hard we may work and, on the contrary, feel a pride at the thought of upholding the Party’s noble outlook on the rising generation in the van.

Our children living in a mountainous village, too, grow up healthily as the dairy products of love are provided every day with the desire of the parents who wish to feed their children well and bring up them wonderfully.

We are deeply aware every day and moment that the more sweats and zeal we devote, the warmer the Party’s love will reach our children and the higher the children’s laughter will resound.

Therefore, we, not content with carrying the dairy products, built the goat farm and produce the dairy products by our own efforts.

Our work is not easy to do, but the fact that the children are delighted while enjoying the dairy products we produce makes us find a pleasure in upholding the Party’s noble outlook on the rising generation.

On the basis of the experience we already gained, we will achieve better successes and do work more sincerely for our children in the future, too, true to the Party’s intention.

Ha Yon Ok, director of the Material Supply Station for Nursery and Kindergarten in Sijung County