Mar. 11, 2025 Tuesday  
Rodong Sinmun
Persons Awarded Priceless Title by Country


Merited Machinist Pak Min Chol


Pak Min Chol, an assembler of the coal mining machine shop at the Ranam Coal-mining Machine Factory, is the Merited Machinist.

When he began his work at the factory, he would be at a loss how to operate the machine because of his poor technical skill.

Then, the veteran skilled workers helped him improve his skill implanting the attachment to the factory into his mind.

Once he was involved in assembling equipment.

Seeing the skilled workers who remedied the errors all night which he had ignored regarding it as a trifle, he was impacted.

At that time, he cherished deep in mind the request of the skilled workers that what is more important than high level of technical skill is to have attachment to his job and equipment.

After that, he strove to become a true skilled worker with pure conscience.

Though it was difficult for him to take meticulous care for every process including manufacturing, assembling, trial operations and introduction, he devoted himself to his work performing his duty to the Party and state.

In Dec. 2019, his devoted labor was rewarded with the title of the Merited Machinist.

He is old but still active in his work and sets an example to newcomers.


Merited Forest Ranger Ryu Si Ok


Ryu Si Ok, a forest ranger of the Jangphung County Forestry Management Station, has devoted her all for turning all mountains in the county into treasure ones.

Dozens of years ago she began her work as a forest ranger and has done her all for afforesting the areas in her charge. She built the tree nursery and greenhouse for saplings on her own and often made a long journey to seek tree saplings of good species.

Thanks to her devotion over a thousand and hundreds of hectares of forest area has grown thicker.

She attended the conference of activists in general mobilization movement for land administration and had an honor of having a photo taken with the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un. She was awarded the title of Merited Forest Ranger in December of 2014.

She follows the road of patriotism now in order to repay the benevolence of the Party and the state which bestow priceless honor on her.


Merited Miner Kang Kil Man 


Kang Kil Man is a Merited Miner of the June 3 Pit of the Hyesan Youth Mine.

He has been working as a miner since his discharge from military service.

He has made strenuous efforts to carry out the daily task in a responsible way without fail and, after work, enrolled in the study-while-working-system, thus proposing many contrivances and technical innovations.

The country highly appreciated his labor feats and awarded him the title of Merited Miner in December, 2011.

Now, he is training newcomers as reliable pillars of the mine.

Rodong Sinmun