Sep. 9,Juche 113 (2024) Monday  
Rodong Sinmun
Women Who Seek Happiness and Pleasure in Devotion to Country



"Weaving cloth is a proud work of supporting the Party’s intention to provide our people with good quality cloth and I feel my greatest pleasure in doing it.

"So, keeping this pride in my mind, every year I have fulfilled the national economic plans of several years.

"The Party and motherland highly praising my labor exploits set me up as a deputy to the Supreme People’s Assembly and a meritorious person of socialist patriotism.

"I will devote my efforts and wisdom to the prosperity of the country to prepare myself to proudly answer to the question of conscience 'What did I devote for the sake of motherland and people?'"

Deputy to Supreme People’s Assembly Han Myong Hui,

a weaver of Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill



"Knowledge is the torch of illuminating one’s life.

"We, educators, feel pride and honor in devotion to teaching students with the feeling of being mothers who sacrifice themselves for lighting the course of life to be followed by their children.

"But what we give our students is not merely knowledge. The Party trusts us with the future of motherland.

"We have nothing to desire any more if we can bring up our students into future pillars who have cherished in mind the gratitude to the socialist system, as intended by the Party.

"I will discharge my duty and responsibility as a professional revolutionary for training our schoolchildren into pillars of the country who will shoulder the future of the motherland."

People’s Teacher Mun Sun Hui,

head of Paekun Primary School in Pukchang County



"My job is not merely a work for maintaining a road, but a responsible work for glorifying the dignity of the motherland.

"If the road is not maintained properly, and if it causes any inconvenience to residents and motorcars running towards the socialist construction sites, then how guilty I am as a citizen of the country.

"I will make every effort to lighten the burden of the country.

"Though my work is not a great help to the country, I have nothing to desire when seeing the happy people on their way to work and motorcars running along the road under my charge towards the socialist construction sites."

Winner of Model Worker Honor Prize Jong Kyong Sun,

a workteam leader of the Sakju County Road Administration Office