Oct. 18, 2024 Friday  
Rodong Sinmun
Responding to Party’s Call


 Party Calls Us Again


With the burning pledge to bravely rush to special-level disaster emergency areas, the young people in the DPRK rose up as one for recovering the damages in the flood-hit areas.

Upon receiving the news of the emergency enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, commanding officers and shock brigade members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade were filled with great emotion.

An official of the brigade of ministries and national institutions of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade appealed to the shock brigade members as follows:

We can be called the young people of Paektu when responding to the Party’s call with thunder.

The respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un personally called us to the recovery work and thus we should rush to the disaster areas flying the flags of shock brigade inscribed with the proud name "Hero Youth".

Those of various units including the Rason City brigade and the battalion Pyongyang Construction Commission made firm determination to display their mettle of Paektu youths in the struggle for healing the damage by flood saying that there is nothing to be afraid of and there is nothing impossible as the respected fatherly Marshal trusts us.

Keeping in mind single aspiration, now the young people of Paektu are preparing for running to the reconstruction campaign sites.


Determination to Display Honor of Powerful Building Unit 


Now, commanders and members of the Speed Campaign Youth Shock Brigade are full of enthusiasm for performing labor feats in the recovery campaign in flood-stricken areas.

Inspecting the dangerous disaster areas the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un personally guided the rescue operation and unfolded the gigantic plan for turning misfortune into blessings.

Receiving the news, all the people were moved to tears and encouraged themselves.

Jo Hyon Chol, director of the Management Bureau of the Speed Campaign Youth Shock Brigade, expressed his determination with excitement:

"The respected fatherly Marshal trusted the building units of the Korean People’s Army as well as the Speed Campaign Youth Shock Brigade with the reconstruction campaign.

"His trust stirs up us and we are full of determination to shoulder the heaviest burden to live up to his great trust."

Many monumental edifices were erected on this land along with the proud call "the Speed Campaign Youth Shock Brigade" in the past several decades.

The victory in the campaign for turning misfortune into blessing would be certain as there are trustworthy and presentable young vanguards with firm determination.


With Mind for My Native Place and Parents, Brothers and Sisters 


The enthusiasm for volunteering being displayed among the young people is growing higher as days go by everywhere ranging from the capital city of Pyongyang to the northern end of the country.

Among the volunteers are not only the youth league officials but also working youths.

In Pyongyang Municipality alone, more than 510 youth league officials pleaded to go to the flood-hit areas, and as of now, numberless young people of the factories and enterprises including the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill, the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex, Musan Mining Complex registered their names on the list of volunteers.

And hundreds of young people of the railway transport sector made determinations to undertake the freights transport needed for the recovery campaign.

Kim Il Ryong, an official of the Pyongyang Municipal Youth League Committee who is one of volunteers, said as follows:

"The recovery campaign in flood-stricken areas is not easy for us. But I am not afraid of any difficulties as I think it is the work for my native place and parents, brothers and sisters."

Like the former generation who went to the front for defending their beloved native places and parents, brothers and sisters in the 1950s, today the youths of new generation, too, volunteered to work at difficult and hard posts without hesitation as they regard the flood-hit area as a precious part of the country and the flood victims as their real relatives and family members.

Cherishing our youths’ loyal and patriotic enthusiasm for volunteering, we thought that such respectable young people in the great Kim Jong Un’s era can never be found in the world and that’s why they are great pride and power of our country.


Rodong Sinmun