Sep. 19,Juche 113 (2024) Thursday  
Rodong Sinmun
In Reverence for Savior of National Restoration and Peerless Patriot


President Kim Il Sung liberated Korea on August 15, Juche 34(1945) and built the genuine people’s country on this land.

On the day of 79 years ago the whole country burst into cheers of "Long Live General Kim Il Sung!" and "Long Live National Liberation!" toward the President, legendary hero of the anti-Japanese war and peerless patriot, who achieved the historic cause of national liberation.

The enthusiastic cheers that day were an eruption of endless gratitude toward the President who saved the destiny of the country and nation and a solemn proclamation which informs of a new beginning of the Korean people possessed of independent dignity and strength.

On October 14, Juche 34(1945), a Pyongyang city mass rally took place with splendor in a public playground at the foot of Moran Hill, now occupied by Kim Il Sung Stadium, to welcome the President on his triumphal return to the homeland after achieving the historic cause of national liberation.

The then Pyongyang Minbo carried an article "Cheers of 400 000 People Vibrate Whole Country". The article said:

"Pyongyang has a history of 4 000 years, but it has never seen such a meeting of great significance. …

"What made the rally significant and impressed the audience was the attendance of General Kim Il Sung, great patriot and hero of Pyongyang, and his greeting and encouragement to the masses. …

"When the hero of nation General Kim Il Sung whom Korean people admired and respected the most appeared at the venue, the audience was all enthusiastic cheers and moved to silent tears."

Without the national liberation exploits of the President, it was impossible to think of today’s Korea shining in the world and the high dignity, honor and pride of its people.

Liberation of Korea was an event of great significance which brought about a fundamental change in carving out the destiny of our people who had been forced to live as stateless ones.

As the Korean people grew up under the leadership of the President as independent ones who carved out their destiny on their own, they could become heroic people who defeated the U.S. imperialists boasting themselves of being the "strongest" in the world and the proud ones who performed miracles in the spirit of Chollima.

The immortal exploits of President Kim Il Sung are shining brilliantly as we uphold the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un, peerlessly great man.

Rodong Sinmun